Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture
Peter Stasek Architects - Corporate Architecture

Art & Architecture

Scarf - Art Foundation / Masdar City / UAE 

An imaginary concept of creation                                             Stetament of Art by Peter Stasek


The Art Foundation in Masdar City Central Park is intended to be an integral part of the park and will include several open levels that serve as exhibition spaces for sculptures. The main façade of the Foundation will be wrapped in an organically shaped curtain that reflects the dynamics of sound vibrating in the air. This design symbolizes the freedom and informality of artistic creativity. At the same time, the external form of the building should be both visually appealing and unique in order to stand out from conventional museum and exhibition buildings.


A House For Richard Serra / Texas 

An imaginary concept of creation                                             Stetament of Art by Peter Stasek


According to Richard Serra, all natural movements of the soul are subject to the analogous laws of physical gravity. The only exception is grace."


The organically guided lines of an imaginary search for wholeness that extend through space are infinite and cannot be bundled.


Only the origin of their creation as an oasis of artistic thought should be formed into an architectural structure. A house for Richard Serra - the domicile of an art lover as the beginning of infinity.


A House For Pablo Picasso / Cup d´Antibes  

An imaginary concept of creation                                             Stetament of Art by Peter Stasek


The geometry of the house consists of two axes crossing each other. The horizontal axis as a source of creative energy obtained through the protruding strands at the back of the house from the surrounding nature, and the vertical axis as an imaginary artist canvas unfolding from the ground in the front part of the house, intended to capture the artist's bubbling imaginations. 

Chill-Out Sphere / Swedish Lapland

An imaginary concept of creation                                             Stetament of Art by Peter Stasek


The “Chill-Out Sphere” is a unique retreat in the middle of nature, ideal for people who seek direct contact with the environment. The interior spaces are designed to offer different perspectives on the surrounding landscape, with the view framed by the respective openings and architectural cutouts. The design of the external structure is designed to keep the ecological footprint on the site as small as possible and to blend harmoniously into the natural environment.

ZZ Top Loft / High Tatras, Slovakia

An imaginary concept of creation                                             Stetament of Art by Peter Stasek


A massive concrete wall with the appearance of a folded plate forms a break in the otherwise untouched landscape. This break also runs through the loft supported by the concrete wall. The surrounding landscape is thus divided into two areas: the mountain skyline and the foothills.


Peter Stasek Architect

Corporate Architecture

R6, 1

68161 Mannheim


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+49 151 50 400 900

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